Working so that it is the wonderful, innate part of the person that triumphs and thrives.

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Signals and Triggers

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This piece is an introduction to the topic of signalling within an organised abuse group. Signals are given to the victim by another member of the group. This is part of the process of using them, and of maintaining the status quo. Signals are also broadcast through the culture of society to maintain projects and to give orders.

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The Luciferian Second Millennium

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This article gives a theoretical overview of criminal trends in the second millennium. This has been done by cross referencing my experience and that of other survivors with religious and historical research. It then uses this context to answer questions on bioenergetics and trauma, saying that those who traumatise are those who do evil and abuse their power.

Arizona Wilder transcripts

Arizona Wilder spoke to the public a number of times around the year 2000. Her personal testimony includes important information about the structure and working of luciferian government, training and use of psychic children, of cruel scientific work with human and non-human biology, and of the use of computers in trauma based mind control programming.

Helpful Books For Creating A More Realistic World

Fortunately and unfortunately humans have a mind. Our life is made of experiences, and from this we have built an image of what life on Earth is. Let us call this image the world. With this image we process our experiences. We use this image in the creation of our behaviour.
Clearly the more accurate this image is the more realistic our understanding of our experiences will be, and the more coherent will be our behaviour.
Here are some books which have helped me to create a more realistic image of life on Earth.
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Criminality As A Cause Of Mental Health Problems

Presentation to the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation conference in Rome 2019.
Good afternoon everybody. This talk will overview the motivations and modus operandi of organised perpetration. Drawing on survivor accounts, it will then show how the developmental stages are affected. This description aims to set out how the foundations for commonly found mental health problems are laid.
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