This article gives a theoretical overview of criminal trends in the second millennium. This has been done by cross referencing my experience and that of other survivors with religious and historical research. It then uses this context to answer questions on bioenergetics and trauma, saying that those who traumatise are those who do evil and abuse their power.
The aim of this piece is to disambiguate shapeshifters both from normal hybrids like the mule, and from the children bred between gods and humans, known in classical writings as demi-gods. It will also argue that shapeshifters are human occultists with a spiritual infection.
Arizona Wilder spoke to the public a number of times around the year 2000. Her personal testimony includes important information about the structure and working of luciferian government, training and use of psychic children, of cruel scientific work with human and non-human biology, and of the use of computers in trauma based mind control programming.
When was Adam made?
The account of the making of the man who is known as Adam occurs in Genesis 2:7. Verses 5 & 6 describe the conditions when he was made. Comparing this to Genesis one indicates that Adam was made on day three, after the making of the land and seas and before the plants.
Fortunately and unfortunately humans have a mind. Our life is made of experiences, and from this we have built an image of what life on Earth is. Let us call this image the world. With this image we process our experiences. We use this image in the creation of our behaviour.
Clearly the more accurate this image is the more realistic our understanding of our experiences will be, and the more coherent will be our behaviour.
Here are some books which have helped me to create a more realistic image of life on Earth.
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It has been for two years now that I have delayed publishing what I know about Christianity. This has been for a number of reasons, the primary ones being that many abuse survivors have found much needed refuge, community and protection in Christianity and that also great work has been done in child abuse prevention by numerous dedicated Christians. The other main reason was not having been able to identify the positive side of Christianity beyond the obvious ethical, social, family and community guidelines that it provides. This latter reason has been solved through familiarity with Christic souls, and this essay contains a contribution to Christology, the branch of Christian theology relating to the person, nature and role of Christ. Due also to the flood of cases of child abuse by Christian clergy and in Christian churches which have been exposed I am offering information which will give a context for understanding the organisational basis of child abuse within Christianity and which will arm people for much needed house cleaning duties.
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