I was approached by the head of the integral psycho-anthropology project with a proposal.

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Il sito psicoantropologia.it nasce dal progetto “psicoantropologia integrale” , un progetto di divulgazione e formazione voluto da alcuni studiosi, ricercatori indipendenti, psicologi, psicotearpeuti, etnologi ed antropologi interessati alla creazione di un paradigma multidisciplinare integrato. La psicoantropologia rappresenta il tentativo di fusione di due discipline : la psicologia e l’antropologia. …
Progetto Psicoantropologia
“we would like to ask you for a short zoom interview on your research studies and theories on blocking of consciousness and psychosomatics useful for an integrated paradigm.”
This I accepted, and prepared answers to questions about trauma in a wider context. We had a good exchange addressing both personal and general questions. After the interview with two members of the small team, they were pleased to confirm that they would prepare the material in an article to be published on their website.
However this has not happened, and instead they have gone silent. The reason is unknown.
On the bright side though, I am happy to now use the script that I had prepared to make a blog post. It gives a theoretical overview of criminal trends in the second millennium. This has been done by cross referencing my experience and that of other survivors with religious and historical research. It then uses this context to answer questions on trauma, saying that those who traumatise are those who do evil and abuse their power.
Pdf of post -> The-Luciferian-Second-Millennium.pdf
Psychoanthropology project

The subject of the interview is trauma in its broadest sense and its consequences on those who have suffered it.
Venue: Zoom call on Wednesday March the 22nd at 3pm, 2023.
Interview questions
- Introduction
- 1 Dr. Howard, what is trauma in a broader, more holistic definition?
- 2 What really happens on multiple dimensional levels in humans who suffer severe trauma?
- 3 What really happens on multiple dimensional levels in human dissociation?How would you describe dissociation on a more specific level?
- 4 Particular attention must be given to PTSD or traumatic memories. What is your vision of this aspect? Can invisible wounds be identified with medical and technological devices?
- 5 Energy field wounds are healable. What methods have you been able to observe in your research?
- 6 Traditional medicine from different cultures uses a method called soul retrieval which consists of specific rituals to reintegrate something that has been dissociated. What do you think of these practices, and do you think they work to resolve complex trauma?
- 7a Do these invisible bioenergetic wounds also cause damage to the corresponding biological organs? Is there damage on a biological level as well as a psychic one?7b According to traditional healers who collaborate with Western psychiatrists, these bioenergetic wounds would allow the risk of poor bioenergy circulation and problems of a spiritual and physical nature. What is your vision according to this?
- 8 How is it possible to legally prove satanic ritual abuse today in a court? Why does official science seem not to take these aspects into consideration despite research, like yours, showing the existence of a multidimensional substrate?
- 9 How do you think trauma care will evolve scientifically?
- Concluding remarks
Good afternoon (ladies and) gentleman. My name is Mr Declan Howard, and I thank you for the invitation to speak to professionals from various specialities in the psychoanthropology project, and to answer your thoughtful and substantial questions on trauma in its broadest sense and its consequences on those who have suffered it. This with a view to you publishing an article on your website.
As you may be aware from my other writings, spontaneous and involuntary release of trauma memories showed me to be one of those who have suffered trauma and its consequences. So I can answer your questions both from personal experience and from my work as an independent researcher seeking to understand what happened to myself and to others. I will be wrapping my answers in a world view informed by investigation of history, criminology, and religion.
1 Dr. Howard, what is trauma in a broader, more holistic definition?
This question implies another that needs to be answered first.
Who traumatises who, and why?
So I will take the implied question first, and answer it by presenting my working model of the political situation which we have lived under in the second millennium.
I differ with the humanists who talked of a thousand year dark age following the fall of the Roman empire. Those men loved the literature, the philosophy, and the gods of ancient Greece and Rome. They were the founders of modernity which bore its most terrible fruit in the industrialised wars of the twentieth century. The first millennium was in fact relatively peaceful, whereas the second millennium was marked with tragedies.
Monarchies started to arise toward the end of the first millennium in in what is now called Europe. Then in the second millennium Europe was in the dark age where kings built castles and fought war after war amongst each other. From the holy Roman empire, to the corruption of the church, to the crusades, and to the servitude of the working class in urban factories, there has been no disaster that has not had the handprints of the royal family all over it.
The origin of these royal families is mysterious. While some are apparently native, others like the Tuatha de Danaan are said to have come from ‘over the sea’. In medieval legend Scota the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh was the matriarch of the Milesian dynasty of Irish kings. Byzantine coins and gold and garnet Egyptian flies were found in the tomb of the Merovingian king Childéric. The Merovingians were great patriarchs of the royals since that time.1
But why are the royal families so peculiar, and have caused so much chaos and suffering? King Richard the first, who was known as the lionheart, used to say of his family, “From the devil we came, and to the devil we shall return.”
One of his ancestors was king Fulke the black who ruled in Jerusalem during the crusades and built castles in the Loire valley around the end of the millennium. Fulke’s mother was Adele of Meaux. She is one of several queens from those times who are candidates to have inspired the story of Melusine.2 In one later popular version of the life of Melusine,3 the demonic countess of Anjou aroused suspicion because she could not concentrate in church. When her husband sent soldiers to arrest her, she escaped by flying out of a window.
King Richard however was not joking when he said his family belonged to the devil. As an insider, which my memories have shown me to be, I can confirm that this is true until the present day.
These royal families flourished and had many children. But since each realm has just one throne, their many disinherited offspring became merchants, knights and scholars. My contention is that their numerous offspring have formed the middle class, which I believe has been populated more from the top down than the bottom up. To use upper class euphemisms, eugenics and euthanasia have been used to favour the children of the great and the good, at the expense of those of the common people.
So to summarise, we have had a two class system. The ruling family are what we usually call the upper and middle classes. Those with thrones have fought each other in a multitude of wars, and the conflict between the lesser and the greater of them has produced revolutionary and democratic movements, always at the cost of the ordinary people. And the reason why our rulers have caused such misery is because they work hand in hand with their spiritual authorities.
But who are their spiritual authorities? Some moderns with a scientific mindset will turn a blind eye to them. But in fact they are well known in history, and have been written about extensively. The most famous is Lucifer, who is also known in his fallen form as Satan. He has been the president, the ruler of the spiritual world. Under him have been many other big names, Baal, Baphomet, Asherah, Zeus, Neptune, Hermes and so on.
The spiritual world is called second heaven by the Protestants, and the Catholics call it the middle kingdom. In the military and the occult the spiritual world has various names including 4D and 5D, the astral, secret space and the multiverse. This world is the land of the lost. Its inhabitants maintain their existence by working with human occultists. Knowledge for power is attained in exchange for human life force upon which those parasitic beings feed. These beings are also known as gods or demons.4
So we have been governed by Lucifer throughout the last thousand years, and I can now answer the question of who traumatises who and why. It is those who do evil. There are earthly rewards for those who want power, for those who do not resist temptation. They can have those rewards at the price of their own corruption.
So what is trauma in a broader more holistic definition? Trauma is wounding caused by criminal acts against a person. These acts are an exertion of power, an abuse of power.

Note: The two gold and garnet tokens pictured above are from the tomb of the early Merovingian king Childéric (457-481).5 These later became known by historians as Napoleon’s bees. Napoleon used them as an emblem, and was proud to identify with the Merovingian legacy. Maffeo Barberini, who became pope Urban VIII, was also proud when he was authorised to use the bee as an emblem by the king of France.6 Maffeo was of the Tafani family from Barberino. Tafani means horseflies.
Because of their shape, the blood coloured wings, and the awarding of fly pendants in Egypt to warriors,7 I think it more accurate to consider these gold and garnet tokens to represent a blood biting fly like a horsefly, rather than the more productive bee.

2 What really happens on multiple dimensional levels in humans who suffer severe trauma?
This is a twofold question. What happens to the person in themselves, non-physically? And what part of this happens in the spiritual world? The multiverse is a synonym for the spirit world, or the land of the lost that I referred to above.
Severe trauma typically means organised and systematic trauma. Adults attack children, and the person is resculpted into an asset for the group. As well as the physical acts and consequences, this resculpting can include military and occult training, beliefs, energy body wounds, breakages, etheric stains and implants, attachment to parasitic entities, splitting of the consciousness, and involvement in serious crime.8 I have gone into more detail in my essay Body-centric Healing of Extreme Trauma.9
3 What really happens on multiple dimensional levels in human dissociation?
How would you describe dissociation on a more specific level?
It is important to distinguish between structural dissociation and dissociative experiences. Both these things are known by the same name, as dissociation. This ambiguity is unhelpful.
In a fragmented person the personality who is present and forward in the body is known as the presenter. Structural dissociation is a defence mechanism, that when a person is tortured he or she can split. The presenter loses consciousness. The new part of them which has split off is then there and conscious. These parts are also referred to as alters, splits, personalities or fragments. Dr C.S. Myers used the terms apparently normal personalities and emotional personalities.10 This defence mechanism is available to infants, but once the personality has coalesced it becomes very difficult for it to happen.
Dissociative experiences, as on the dissociative experiences scale,11 are a secondary phenomenon due to the effects of structural dissociation and other damage that the person has suffered. Traumagenic amnesia is a common dissociative experience and is a product of the structural dissociation described above. A person is partitioned and only the parts of the person who are conscious will have memory of what is happening.
It is common for fragments of the person to live in the spirit world, or in the inner world of the person. In mind control programming the building of the inner world is planned by the trainer and built by the victim in response to the procedures. Typically the inner world and the spirit world will be connected. A fragment or part of a person can have another life and family in the spirit world. Modern survivors of the secret space program, including James Rink12 and Tony Rodrigues,13 have described military careers and slavery working in mines off-world. With respect to these fellow survivors, I do not doubt for a second the reality of their testimony or their honesty. My question is, what is the nature of space where these things happened?
4 Particular attention must be given to PTSD or traumatic memories. What is your vision of this aspect? Can invisible wounds be identified with medical and technological devices?
One outcome of repeated trauma to a child is complex post traumatic stress disorder CPTSD, and trauma to an adult produces PTSD. An adult does not have the ability to split like an infant. If the afflicted person has access to what has happened, he or she may be tormented with repeating memories or nightmares.
I am sceptical of the value of medical and technological devices. I will talk about the role of science, technology and medicine later. Suitably trained medical doctors can help by carrying out a forensic physical examination.14
Traumatic damage however can often be identified with the naked eye, and simple questions by a person who understands the subject. Sadly this does not often happen because of lack of knowledge, lack of training, and lack of will. A colleague recently told me of an abuse case where a catalogue of professionals did not appear to see, hear, or understand what was plainly said and plainly visible. Many survivors have found themselves searching in vain for a safe and suitably equipped therapist. For some the solution has been to eventually find a therapist who is safe and willing, and for the patient to guide the therapist in their advanced training. While this has worked, it is unfair that the patient pays professional rates to spend time with the therapist, while the therapist receives professional training from their client for free.
5 Energy field wounds are healable. What methods have you been able to observe in your research?
A suitable environment, and time, are essential ingredients for healing. The time for healing is years or decades. A suitable environment is one where the victim is able to meet his or her basic needs of food, clothing, warmth, shelter and rest. So the ability to work and pay the bills, or to benefit from financial support is a great help. The environment also needs to be safe enough so that the person can live without further attacks and damage that sabotages the process of coming out of the cult and healing.
Due to generalised corruption and widespread ignorance on the subject of organised abuse the survivor is likely not to be treated humanely. This is one reason why survivors do not speak about their lives and their difficulties. For if they do it breaks their social relations and forces isolation. Allegations of mental illness and social shunning are typical. Humane treatment is what survivors need and crave. So if there is social support this is very helpful too, especially if there are friendships, or a spouse who is an ally.
As to more professional and specific methods there are a wide range of methods which are more or less helpful. See the appendix on compatible methods from my essay on body-centric healing of extreme trauma.15
I have not been in therapy, but others have found it helpful, particularly internal systems work, trauma processing and EMDR. Creative self-expression, journalling, and communication with other survivors is also helpful.
Note: As well as the methods mentioned above a somatic focus and somatic work is also valuable.
Fiona Barnett has had a lot of experience with therapy and gave a valuable lecture on therapy for survivors.16
6 Traditional medicine from different cultures uses a method called soul retrieval which consists of specific rituals to reintegrate something that has been dissociated. What do you think of these practices, and do you think they work to resolve complex trauma?
Soul retrieval is an excellent method. Because of theft and exploitation there may be parts of the person that are somewhere else, in captivity. These can be dissociated splits of the person that are working for the occult, that are in the underworld, or in the universe. Parts of one person, living or dead, are found inside another person. This can happen because of trauma bonding.
Additionally organs of the energy body are lost or stolen. These can also be recovered in a soul retrieval process by the survivor, or by an ally. Some Christians have called on angels to do this. In the event that this cannot be done the energy body can slowly regrow. The energy body contains a blueprint.
Additionally essence can be stolen and used.
Note: Here we had a wide ranging discussion which came onto the topic of spiritual warfare. The interviewer asked if I was talking about spiritual warfare as described by Christian deliverance ministries? I agreed, but pointed out that since the kingdom of darkness is aggressive, that in most cases defensive warfare is sufficient.
7a Do these invisible bioenergetic wounds also cause damage to the corresponding biological organs? Is there damage on a biological level as well as a psychic one?
7b According to traditional healers who collaborate with Western psychiatrists, these bioenergetic wounds would allow the risk of poor bioenergy circulation and problems of a spiritual and physical nature. What is your vision according to this?
(These two questions are answered together.)
This question is right on point. In fact those bioenergetic wounds produce somatoform dissociations, and cause poor circulation of bioenergy, blood, warmth and nutrients. Lack of nutrition causes developmental regression in a child. The bioenergetic malnutrition of parts of the body is seen as debility and dysregulation, which can eventual lead to disease. In a contaminated environment, both internally and externally, the lack of vitality impedes the normal cleansing and excretion of spiritual and physical poisons. This leads to toxins being stored in parts of the body that in time will consequently close down and/or malfunction.
Note: The interviewer asked about sudden and intense manifestations. I agreed that this happens too. Although in fact, this can be due to a spiritual attack, or an internal process.
8 How is it possible to legally prove satanic ritual abuse today in a court? Why does official science seem not to take these aspects into consideration despite research, like yours, showing the existence of a multidimensional substrate?
There have been convictions in satanic ritual abuse cases. The website of CASRA, the coalition against satanic ritual abuse, lists 10 such prosecutions in the United Kingdom.17
To this question I will again give a a historical answer. This is a problem of wordview and of corruption. Civilisations throughout history have had a worldview that is both natural and supernatural. But in Western and Communist societies, occultists have unleashed a campaign of crushing and deadening materialism, intending to impose a paradoxical and reductionist concept of life. They teach that life is senseless and random, a product of impossible coincidences over billions of years. They teach that consciousness is a product of atoms blindly colliding, miraculously producing intelligence in dead matter that is incapable of it. This all serves to instill learned helplessness and blind obedience.
The reality however is quite different.18 Occultists of the royal court like Sir John Dee, and Sir Francis Bacon were architects of science. They were the among the last of the magicians.19 In 1660, after the English civil war the monarchy was restored under Charles II, and the Royal Society was founded.20 They published Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica. Magic, alchemy, and the psychology of manipulation faded into the background. Science became an industry employing intellectuals in the development of technologies for weapons and governance.
The middle class often have a governmental concept as evidenced by youthful conversation late into the night, putting the world to rights. It is mainly the middle class who are responsible for management and regulation of the population, and the workings of justice. As I have set out, the middle class is intelligent, but has its faults of being morally compromised, intellectually blinkered, and spiritually blind.
It is easy to become complacent and believe that life is bumbling ineptly along as it normally does. However we are in a spiritual war. A corrupt middle class is doing a poor job of delivering justice. We could do better.
Note: The interviewer asked about technological validation of an abuse survivor. I replied that the priority was to listen to the witnesses, and for more people to be aware of organised abuse and how it works supernaturally. Without this, judges and juries are likely to dismiss the witnesses, because the things that the perpetrators do are insane.
9 How do you think trauma care will evolve scientifically?
There are scientists such as Dr Judy Mikovits who are working to restore the promise of science, where intelligent people develop models, methods and physical objects that benefit humanity.21
But science needs to be put in its place, as a service industry, where it can be a sound resource for problem solving. I was shocked to learn that many of the teachings of science were not proven scientific theories but were actually products of scientists theorising, based on individual and group preferences. Immanuel Velikovsky, in Earth in Upheaval,22 documents the catalogue of geological evidence of upheavals and global catastrophe that has come to be disregarded, discarded, or explained away due to the personal preferences and policy of other scientists. Sadly there is policy in science which is not compatible with the scientific method.
I am being pessimistic, intentionally so. I have found that intelligence, capability and virtue are not enough. The state of humanity is a battlefield, a disaster area. But there is cause for optimism. In the sermon on the mount Jesus Christ the son of the creator says that the meek shall inherit the earth. The Bible promises justice at the end of the age, and destruction by fire. I can see no other solution but to get on board with the creator.
The existence of reality is a paradox. Something cannot come out of nothing. Only something outside of the earth and the skies could have originated it.
Genesis 1:2 can be translated as, ‘And the earth was desolate and void,23 and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and a wind from God24 moved upon the waters.’
This fits the description of an earth with a fallen sky, destroyed by hurricane and flood. The histories of ancient peoples tell of just these things.25
Concluding remarks
When it comes to trauma, prevention is greater than cure. Prevention is difficult to achieve but it is important.
Mainly I hope you can consider these challenging things and the great movements of history, and come to a greater peace and commitment to each other.
- Note:11/23 This last sentence is debateable. The Carolyngian dynasty that succeeded the Merovingians had a greater historical impact and legacy. Also at the turn of the millennium large and powerful warring monarchies were ruling throughout Europe and the levant. Video review, 1000 AD – A Tour of Europe [↩]
- https://lionsandlilies.com/demons-and-devils/the-demon-countess-of-anjou/[↩]
- Jean d’Arras – Melusine: or the Noble History of the Lusignans 1394[↩]
- The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible, Dr. Michael S. Heiser, Lexham Press 2015[↩]
- Merovingian bees – Library of Congress loc.gov/item/2021670731[↩]
- Youtube – Curator’s Tour: The Barberini Tapestries: Woven Monuments of Baroque Rome. Channel – Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art youtube.com/watch?v=5KVhWzwScmk&t=1620s[↩]
- Kenawy, Mohamed & Abdel-Hamid, Yousrya. (2015). Insects in ancient (Pharaonic) Egypt: a review of fauna, their mythological and religious significance and associated diseases. Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci.. 8. 15-32. 10.21608/eajbs.2015.2. researchgate.net/publication/Insects_in_ancient_Egypt [↩]
- Cheryl Beck, SRA and MK Ultra victor interview with Lisa Meister on the Only God Rescued Me podcast[↩]
- lonehorseblog.com/2017/09/24/body-centric-healing-of-extreme-trauma[↩]
- Trauma-related Structural Dissociation of the Personality – Ellert Nijenhuis trauma-pages.com/a/nijenhuis-2004[↩]
- discussingdissociation.com/dissociative-experiences-scale-des[↩]
- Super Soldier Talk – James Rink Interviews[↩]
- Tony Rodrigues – secret space program experiencer tonyrodrigues.com[↩]
- The Istanbul Protocol for toddlers and children – The Istanbul Protocol (full title: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) represents the United Nations’ standard for training professionals to appraise persons who make allegations of having been tortured or mistreated, for examining cases of alleged torture and for reporting such findings to the judiciary and other investigative authorities. From Andrea Sadegh’s traumabasedmindcontrol.com[↩]
- https://www.lonehorseblog.com/2017/09/24/body-centric-healing-of-extreme-trauma/#appendix-compatible-methods[↩]
- #Ritual Abuse, #Mind Control #DID How to Integrate : lecture by Fiona Barnett[↩]
- casra.org.uk/prosecuted-cases/
web.archive.org/web/20230116024623/https://casra.org.uk/prosecuted-cases/[↩] - What They Don’t Teach You About the Most Famous Scientists mini-documentary by Melissa and Aaron Dykes[↩]
- John Maynard Keynes: “In the eighteenth century and since, Newton came to be thought of as the first and greatest of the modern age of scientists, a rationalist, one who taught us to think on the lines of cold and untinctured reason.
I do not see him in this light. I do not think that any one who has pored over the contents of that box which he packed up when he finally left Cambridge in 1696 and which, though partly dispersed, have come down to us, can see him like that. Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians, the last great mind which looked out on the visible and intellectual world with the same eyes as those who began to build our intellectual inheritance rather less than 10,000 years ago.” mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk/Extras/Keynes_Newton/[↩]
- royalsociety.org/about-us/history[↩]
- Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, Judy Mikovits & Kent Heckenlively, Simon and Schuster, 2021[↩]
- Earth In Upheaval, Immanuel Velikovsky, Doubleday 1955.[↩]
- https://www.bibleandscience.com/bible/books/genesis/genesis1_desolate.htm[↩]
- bibleandscience.com/bible/books/genesis/genesis1_wind.htm[↩]
- Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds In collision, Chapter 3 Hurricane, Victor Gollancz 1976, first published September 1950[↩]
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